Your Electrical Workers Health Fund pays 100% of Dr. On Demand telehealth visits! Click HERE to learn more or start a visit today.
Form 1095-B Information
Family Update Form
Change of Name Form
Change of Address Form
Authorization for Release of PHI Form
Accident Injury Form
Short Term Disability Form
Parental Leave Benefit Application
Pregnancy Leave Benefit Application
Local 294 Vacation ACH Authorization Form
Assignment of Pension Benefits Form
Post-Retirement Personal Care Account Form
Summary Plan Description (SPD)
Summary of Material Modifications #1 (SMM)
Summary of Material Modifications #2 (SMM) - No Surprises Act Preventive Care
Summary of Material Modifications #3 (SMM) - Reciprocity
Summary of Material Modifications #4 (SMM) - Out-Patient Drug Testing
Summary of Material Modifications #5 (SMM)
Summary of Material Modifications #6 (SMM)
Summary of Material Modifications #7 (SMM)
Summary of Material Modifications #8 (SMM)
Summary of Benefits and Coverage
Privacy Notice and WHCRA
Summary Annual Report
Medicare Notice of Creditable Coverage
Protections Against Surprise Medical Bills
To enroll your dependent child under the health plan, submit a completed Family Update Form. You must submit the completed enrollment form with the appropriate documentation to the Fund Office within 90 days of the event for Group I and Group II Employees. If you do not enroll your dependent in 90 days, claims will be denied until you submit the required information. Group III, IV, V and VI Employees (retirees) must enroll dependents within 30 days of the event and a dependent cannot be added afterwards. Your natural child is eligible for coverage on the date of his or her birth. If you adopt a child, have a child placed with you for adoption, or acquire a stepchild through marriage, he or she will be eligible for coverage on the date of placement or marriage, as long as you are responsible for healthcare coverage and your child meets the Plan’s definition of a dependent child.
When you marry, your spouse is eligible for healthcare coverage as of the date of your marriage. However, the Fund will not pay benefits on behalf of your spouse until you enroll your spouse for coverage. To enroll your spouse, send a copy of your certified marriage certificate to the Fund Office, as soon as it is available and complete a Family Update Form. Once your spouse is enrolled, benefits will be paid retroactively to the date of your marriage for Group I and II Employees if enrollment is completed within 90 day of marriage. For Group III, IV V and VI Employees (retirees), spouses may not be added after 30 days have passed from the time of the event.
If you are unable to work as a result of a non-work related injury or illness and you are under the care of a physician, you may be entitled to the weekly disability income benefit. To apply, submit a completed Disability Claim Form to the Fund Office. Once approved for the weekly disability benefit, you will be responsible to complete the Weekly Disability Supplementary Form.
If you have recently moved, please complete a Change of Address Form.
If coverage is lost due to lack of sufficient employer contributions and hours in your individual record system (log in to view your Contribution History), then you will have the option to make self-payments or elect to continue coverage under COBRA for up to 18 months. Please contact the Fund Office with questions relating to your eligibility.
If you and your spouse get a divorce or legal separation, your spouse will no longer be eligible for coverage. Your spouse may elect to continue coverage under COBRA for up to 36 months upon divorce or legal separation. You or your spouse must notify the Fund Office, within 60 days of the divorce or separation date for your spouse to obtain COBRA continuation coverage. You must also submit a copy of the divorce decree to the Fund Office.
If you meet certain criteria defined in the health & welfare Summary Plan Description you and your family may be eligible to participate for regular retiree plan or retiree Medicare supplement plan. Please contact the Fund Office for your retiree options for continuing health coverage.
In the event of your death, your dependents may continue coverage for up to 36 months by electing COBRA continuation coverage or by electing the retiree plan or the Medicare supplemental plan for surviving spouses and dependents. Your survivors will need to make the required self-contributions for this coverage.
Doctor on Demand No Cost Virtual Visits The Electrical Workers Fund covers Dr. On Demand visits at 100% with no out-of-pocket cost to you. Visit Dr. On Demand for a convenient online doctor visit:
Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN Visit Blue Cross/Blue Shield of MN to:
Sav-Rx Sav-Rx provides access to a retail pharmacy network, mail order prescriptions, and specialty pharmacy services for complex conditions. Call 24/7 or visit to: