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Form 1095-B Information


Family Update Form

If you have a life-changing event and need to update dependent information, this form must be completed and sent to the Fund Office, with the appropriate documentation (birth certificate, marriage certificate, divorce decree, etc.).

Change of Name Form

Complete this form to change or correct your name, and return it to the Fund Office.

Change of Address Form

Complete this form to change or correct your mailing address and/or name, and return it to the Fund Office.

Authorization for Release of PHI Form

If you want the Plan to disclose your protected health information to another individual(s), persons, class of persons, or organization of your choice (for example, your spouse), you must fill out this form and return it to the Fund Office. If your spouse and/or Dependent child(ren) over the age of 17 (i.e. Dependent child(ren) who are at least 18 years old) want the Plan to disclose their protected health information to you, they also must fill out this form and return it to the Fund Office.

Accident Injury Form

Complete this form to acknowledge the Fund’s subrogation and reimbursement interests. For more information, please contact the Fund Office.

Short Term Disability Form

If you become disabled and are unable to work, you and your physician must complete this form and submit it to the Fund Office, in order to receive the weekly disability benefits.

Parental Leave Benefit Application

If you are an active Group I employee and you are taking a leave of absence following the birth, adoption or placement of adoption, you may be entitled to parental leave benefits. Complete this Form to apply and submit it to the Fund Office.

Pregnancy Leave Benefit Application

If you are an active Group I employee and become pregnant, you may be entitled to up to 26 weeks of pregnancy leave benefits. Complete this Form to apply and submit it to the Fund Office.

Local 294 Vacation ACH Authorization Form

Complete this form if you are a Local 294 member and would like to have your vacation payments directly deposited to your bank account. If not completed, you will receive an annual payout.

Assignment of Pension Benefits Form

If you are in the Retiree Plan and would like to have your monthly premium deducted from a dedicated account, complete this form.

Post-Retirement Personal Care Account Form

Post-Retirement Care is designed to allow participants to use an account for qualifying premium expenses on a nontaxable basis after retirement.


Summary Plan Description (SPD)

The SPD summarizes the key provisions of the Plan and includes important information about your benefits from the Plan.

Summary of Material Modifications #1 (SMM)

The Summary Plan Description is updated from time-to-time and therefore includes additional information and changes to the Plan in the form of a SMM.

Summary of Material Modifications #2 (SMM)
- No Surprises Act Preventive Care

The Summary Plan Description is updated from time-to-time and therefore includes additional information and changes to the Plan in the form of a SMM.

Summary of Material Modifications #3 (SMM)
- Reciprocity

The Summary Plan Description is updated from time-to-time and therefore includes additional information and changes to the Plan in the form of a SMM.

Summary of Material Modifications #4 (SMM)
- Out-Patient Drug Testing

The Summary Plan Description is updated from time-to-time and therefore includes additional information and changes to the Plan in the form of a SMM.

Summary of Material Modifications #5 (SMM)

The Summary Plan Description is updated from time-to-time and therefore includes additional information and changes to the Plan in the form of a SMM.

Summary of Material Modifications #6 (SMM)

The Summary Plan Description is updated from time-to-time and therefore includes additional information and changes to the Plan in the form of a SMM.

Summary of Material Modifications #7 (SMM)

The Summary Plan Description is updated from time-to-time and therefore includes additional information and changes to the Plan in the form of a SMM.

Summary of Material Modifications #8 (SMM)

The Summary Plan Description is updated from time-to-time and therefore includes additional information and changes to the Plan in the form of a SMM.

Summary of Benefits and Coverage

This document provides you with a quick reference to covered expenses, deductibles and out-of pocket costs. This is not a full explanation of the benefits covered by the Plan. For more information about the benefits covered by the Plan, see the Summary Plan Description.

Privacy Notice and WHCRA

This notice includes important information about protections for individuals who elect breast reconstruction in connection with a mastectomy as well. In addition, this notice informs you how you can request a copy of the Fund’s Privacy Notice. You will also receive this notice, annually, via US Mail.

Summary Annual Report

The Summary Annual Report provides insurance and basic financial information regarding the Plan and informs you of your rights to additional information.

Medicare Notice of Creditable Coverage

This notice contains information about your current prescription drug benefits and Medicare prescription drug coverage.


This notice contains information regarding the 1095B Form.

Protections Against Surprise Medical Bills

This notice provides information regarding Protections Against Surprise Medical Bills.


Contact the Fund Office and ask to speak with an Eligibility Specialist. They will verify eligibility and request a new health & welfare ID card. Your new ID card will arrive within 7-12 business days from the date you notify the Fund Office that you need a new card. If you would like a temporary ID card emailed to you, please indicate such to the Eligibility Specialist.
Visit one of the health & welfare service providers, BlueCross BlueShield of Minnesota for medical providers and Sav-Rx for pharmacies. Once you have selected the desired provider site, you may login to your account and search for in-network providers.
If you would like to access your EOBs, please visit the BlueCross BlueShield of Minnesota website. Once you are on the BCBS website, you will need to login to your account to access your EOBs.
How to Read Your EOB thoroughly explains the layout of your EOB and how to easily read the information provided.
If you receive services from a non-participating provider you may have to submit the claim to the Plan. If you need to submit a claim, you will need to request an itemized bill and forward the bill to the Fund Office.
In order to change your mailing address, you must complete a Change of Address Form. You may print and complete the form, or you may contact the Fund Office and a form will be mailed to you.
To enroll your spouse for coverage under the Plan, submit a completed Family Update Form along with a copy of the marriage certificate to the Fund Office.

To enroll your dependent child for coverage under the Plan, submit a completed Family Update Form along with a copy of the birth certificate or adoption papers to the Fund Office.
The Summary Plan Description is the document that contains the rules of the health plan and details the benefits available to you and your eligible dependents. The Summary of Benefits and Coverage provides basic information about the health plan such as the applicable co-pay amounts, deductible amounts, and out of pocket maximums.
You will receive your medical card 7-10 business days from the end of the month, following receipt of the required contributions to be eligible for benefits.
Yes, once you become eligible for benefits you will receive a separate ID card for your dental benefits. If you need to replace your card, contact the Fund Office.
You can review the Summary Plan Description electronically or you can call the Fund Office to request a hardcopy of the SPD Booklet.
You or your spouse must notify the Plan and mail a fully executed copy of your divorce decree to the Fund Office. Once the Plan receives the divorce decree, your former spouse’s coverage will be terminated the end of the month in which the date of your divorce is finalized.
If you meet certain criteria defined in the health & welfare Summary Plan Description you and your family may be eligible to participate for regular retiree plan or retiree Medicare supplement plan. Please contact the Fund Office for your retiree options for continuing health coverage.
If you have any questions about your eligibility, benefits or claims, contact the Fund Office at (218) 724-8883 or (877) 908-3863.


Birth or Adoption




Loss of Employment/Coverage


